jueves, 26 de junio de 2014


Britain Chronicles Abuse by Jimmy Savile at Medical Facilities


LONDON — The British health authorities said on Thursday that inquiries into sexual abuse by the disgraced television host Jimmy Savile at state-funded medical facilities had revealed “truly awful” episodes involving patients aged from five to 75.

The disclosures were the latest addition to a catalog of malfeasance that has shocked Britons and shaken the British Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. Savile’s onetime employer.

The investigation at National Health Service institutions followed police investigations into allegations of abuse at several locations, including Leeds General Infirmary in his hometown and a high-security psychiatric unit visited by Mr. Savile under the guise of charitable work.

The entertainer gained access to the hospital in Leeds by working on its radio service and volunteering as a porter as part of his fund-raising efforts, the investigation found.

He had unrestricted access to the Leeds hospital’s departments, during a 50-year association. The inquiry concluded that the first case of abuse occurred in 1962 and the most recent in 2009, when he was 82. While some victims complained to the staff, either directly or through their parents, their allegations were not passed on to those in higher authority.

“For some, although the abuse took place decades ago, their experience endures as a painful and upsetting memory that still has an effect on them today,” said Sue Proctor, who headed the inquiry.

The cigar-chomping Mr. Savile, who died in 2011 at age 84, was widely seen for decades as a kind of national treasure for his zany fashion sense, quirky mannerisms and supposed philanthropy. Only after he died did long-rumored misbehavior come to light in hundreds of reports of abuse of women, girls and boys. The disclosure of his activities also provoked police investigations that led to trials of several aging entertainers accused of sexual offenses.

A joint statement by National Health Service executives said there had been “truly awful” incidents dating to 1960, when Mr. Savile began volunteering at the Leeds hospital in northeastern England. Of the 60 people who testified to investigators — 33 of them patients, but also including female hospital staff members — 19 were minors under the age of 16. Three people said they had been raped.

At the Broadmoor Hospital, a high-security psychiatric clinic west of London, the inquiry found that a “clear, repeated failure of safeguarding standards” led to sexual relationships between staff and patients, and that Mr. Savile was “an opportunistic sexual predator.”

Mr. Savile was the host of a music show called “Top of the Pops” and a program called “Jim’ll Fix It.” Both brought him into contact with young people. But throughout the unfolding scandal, there were persistent accusations that, over decades, he abused his victims in state-run facilities, including a school for troubled teenage girls and hospitals, preying on psychologically disturbed or incapacitated inmates.

Police inquiries have focused on three strands of allegations — accusations relating to Mr. Savile alone, those implicating him and other people in abuse, and a third category of offenses involving other people.

Research by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children found that he abused at least 500 victims, the youngest of them 2 years old.

The BBC, which is funded by compulsory license fees paid by viewers, conducted its own inquiries into its relationship with Mr. Savile. One of them raised the question of why the broadcaster canceled a contentious report into accusations of sexual abuse against Mr. Savile in December, 2011, two months after he died.

At the time, the BBC’s director general was Mark Thompson, who joined The New York Times Company as president and chief executive in 2012.

In December 2012, an inquiry by Nick Pollard, a veteran British broadcast executive, blamed lax leadership and “rigid management chains” that left the BBC “completely incapable” of dealing with the Savile affair.

But Mr. Pollard’s 200-page report did not challenge Mr. Thompson’s assertions that he had no role in canceling the BBC’s Savile report and was unaware of the sexual abuse accusations until he left the BBC in September 2012. Neither did the report fault Mr. Thompson for missing opportunities to learn the details of the allegations against Mr. Savile.

En la noticia se comenta que un hombre que era considerado filantropo, ahora despues de muerto es acusado de que a los hospitales a los que tenia acceso, abusa de algunos pacientes, La investigación realizada por la Sociedad Nacional para la Prevención de la Crueldad hacia los Niños encontró que él abusó de al menos 500 víctimas, el más joven de ellos de 2 años. actualmente se investiga si la gente que trabajo para el esta relacionada, y se investigas mas posibles casos de abuso.

sábado, 14 de junio de 2014


La Deontología procede de la lengua griega: to deon (lo conveniente, lo debido) y logia (conocimiento, estudio); lo que significa, en términos generales, el estudio o la ciencia de lo debido.
El término se utiliza para nombrar a una clase de tratado o disciplina que se centra en el análisis de los deberes y de los valores regidos por la moral.
introducido por Jeremy Bentham filósofo británico en su libro "Deontologia o la ciencia de la moralidad", en 1889.

viernes, 13 de junio de 2014


Etica y moral pueden parecer lo mismo pero no lo son. Existen matices que indican que la ética y la moral son dos términos que se complementan, pero cuyo significado es bien diferente.

La ética influye en las normas de conducta de una sociedad
Por otro lado, la moral influye en las normas de conducta de una persona. Por ejemplo, para una sociedad puede parecer ético cazar animales, mientras que para unos individuos es inmoral hacerlo ya que esa práctica atenta contra la libertad de los animales.

la ética son determinados tipos de comportamiento, ya sean correctos o incorrectos. Mientras que la moral establece las normas que permiten determinar si el comportamiento ha sido correcto o no.
En ambos casos se tratan de normas, de percepciones, y de "deber ser". Sin embargo, moral y ética presentan ciertas diferencias:

Nace en el seno de una sociedad y por tanto, ejerce una influencia muy poderosa en la conducta de cada uno de sus integrantesSurge en la interioridad de una persona, como resultado de su propia reflexión y su propia elección. Pueden coincidir o no con la moral recibida.
Actúa en la conducta desde el exterior o desde el inconscienteInfluye en la conducta de una persona de forma consciente y voluntaria.
Ejerce presión externa y destaca su aspecto coercitivo, impositivo y punitivoDestaca la presión del valor captado y apreciado internamente como tal. El fundamento de la norma ética es el valor, no el valor impuesto desde el exterior, sino el descubierto internamente en la reflexión de un sujeto

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014


La bioética es la rama de la ética que se dedica a proveer los principios para la correcta conducta humana respecto a la vida, tanto de la vida humana como de la vida no humana (animal y vegetal), así como del ambiente en el que pueden darse condiciones aceptables para la vida. 
En su sentido más amplio, la bioética no se limita al ámbito médico, sino que incluye todos los problemas éticos que tienen que ver con la vida en general, extendiendo de esta manera su campo a cuestiones relacionadas con el medio ambiente y al trato debido a los animales. 
La bioética es una disciplina relativamente nueva, y el origen del término corresponde al pastor protestante, teólogo, filósofo y educador alemán Fritz Jahr, quien en 1927 usó el término Bio-Ethik en un artículo sobre la relación ética del ser humano con las plantas y los animales. Más adelante, en 1970, el oncólogo norteamericano Van Rensselaer Potter utilizó el término bio-ethics en un artículo sobre "la ciencia de la supervivencia" 

La bioética surge por tanto como un intento de establecer un puente entre ciencia experimental y humanidades (Potter, 1971) . De ella se espera una formulación de principios que permita afrontar con responsabilidad , también a nivel global- las posibilidades enormes, impensables hace solo unos años, que hoy nos ofrece la tecnología.